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How change extension of images in bulk form by cmd?

You may use a combination of the 'ren' (rename) command and a loop to alter the extension of photos in bulk using the command prompt (CMD) on Windows. Here is a detailed instruction:

1. By pressing Win + R, entering "cmd" into the Run dialogue box, then clicking Enter, you may access the command prompt.

2.Go to the directory where the photos are located. The 'cd' command can be used to switch directories. 

3. You may rename the files with the new extension using a loop after you've entered the desired directory. Say you wish to switch from ".jpg" to ".png" as the file extension. Utilise the following command:

This program will run in loop for every file in the current directory with the extension ".jpg" and rename it with the extension ".png". The '"%nf""' command returns the file name only.

4. Enter is required to carry out the command. The new extension will be added to the picture names.

Make careful you replace  ".jpg" and ".png" with the appropriate old and new extensions, depending on your requirements.

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